Tuesday 4 March 2008

New Bishop Visit Kuwait

Bishop Michael Lewis completed his first trip to Kuwait this week. He met with various religious and political leaders and enjoyed the diversity of Kuwait's cultural landscape.

A former Bishop of Middleton in Manchester he particiapted in and led a number of inter-faith events and projects.

One incident which occurred during his visit to Kuwait was completely impromptu and unexpected. While getting out the car in a public carpark we were approached by two women. One of them knew the chaplain and introduced her friend. She was a Kuwaiti Muslim lady who on meeting the Bishop requested him to pray for her. So we stood in the car park and prayed. Two English Christians, an Indian Hindu and a Kuwaiti Muslim. We parted company with warm smiles and farewells.

The best inter-faith events seem to be the spontaneous and unscripted ones. There in a carpark we saw the spirit of God unite us in prayer. How good is that!


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