Sunday 13 September 2009

Learning Arabic

Learning a language is always a rewarding challenge. Learning Arabic is even more so. Here in Kuwait though it seems hard work to learn and . . . expensive.

The AWARE centre do good classes and I recommend them - but they require getting to Surra and if you live far away itis a pain. The other option is to learn online:

I really recommend the following course for learning Arabic. It is instantly downloadable and you can learn at your own pace from your home. Check it out in order to receive ten books aimed at getting you into the Arabic language without blinding you with science.

Click Here!
Another option is an online course called Rocket Arabic which aims to get you going like a . . . erm . . a rocket!!! Check it out here:
Rocket Arabic Click Here!

The Kuwaitis love it when we expatriates try and learn their language. Give it a go.

BTW! My Arabic is rubbish - but I can read it and get a laugh everytime I open my mouth. T'is fun! And actually I am slowly making myself more understood.

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